Title IX Services



Prevention and Remediation

The consulting services that we offer are victim intake, advocacy, culture, and climate assessment along with a comprehensive program of Sexual Predator Detection and Prevention for schools and colleges.


2020 Regulations Compliance

With the law degrees of senior management, they have expertise in understanding of regulations and case law, which helps to guarantee Title IX compliance across all appropriate departments and areas, today and going forward.


External Investigations

We have civil rights investigators who combine subject matter expertise with the technical insight of deep experience to conduct investigations, mentor your team to model techniques, forensically unpack an erroneous investigation, provide feedback on investigation reports, and offer coaching to expand the internal investigation process workflow.


Investigations for K-12, higher education, and workplaces

Independent investigators facilitate professional and unbiased civil rights investigations that are unrestricted from conflicts-of-interest. Our experts perform investigations, specifically in the areas of civil rights and discrimination investigations, employment and background investigations, forensic investigations, and OCR complaint closure.

If you have a need for one investigator, a team of two, or a bench of twenty investigators to manage a systemic crisis, all COMPLIANCE RISK GROUP investigators are prepared to meet your needs and can be positioned quickly. All investigators are ATIXA certified and have profound experience in investigating with respect to sex, gender, race, disability, religion, ethnicity, age, and other forms of protected class discrimination.


Interim Management Services

COMPLIANCE RISK GROUP consultants are often former college and school administrators or general counsels and have served on school and college Title IX teams in different capacities. If it appears to be a gap in the hiring process, the COMPLIANCE RISK GROUP consultants are ready to fill your interim and acting position needs.


Policies and Procedures

With thousands of policy models written, our experts can help you craft exceptional sex/gender-based harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct policies and procedures that comply with law, manage institutional risk, and offer user-friendly accessibility and transparency.


OCR Complaint Closure

COMPLIANCE RISK GROUP has a proven ability to position your organization for successful OCR complaint closure, by early resolution, voluntary resolution, or dismissal by displaying that your process was fully compliant with case resolution requirements. Sent from my iPhone